Chiloquin Vector Control District
Providing Public Health Vector Control for the citizens of Chiloquin since 1972.
In 1971, an Oregon State University student who was born and raised in Chiloquin, conducted a project to create the Chiloquin Vector control DIstrict. The Budget proposed in 1971 was just over $6,000/year.
The Chiloquin Vector Control District is a Vector Control District, formed under ORS 198 and operating under ORS 452. Originally established as an in-house program, CVCD owned equipment and had employees conducting mosquito abatement. With the short and extensive mosquito season and long, cold winters, it was decided that having an in-house program was not efficient nor effective; more money was paid for overhead than mosquito abatement.
In 2012, the CVCD made a choice to outsource mosquito abatement services. More tax funds are now spent on mosquito abatement rather than overhead and non-abatement expenses. CVCD residents receive significantly more services than ever before, for the same tax expense.
The CVCD has taken the approach to be proactive and prevent mosquitoes from hatching rather than reactive and fogging for adult mosquitoes.